Tuesday, May 17, 2011

|SPOILER| Ask Ausiello - Várias mortes, Red John revelado e cliffhanger à vista

Michael Ausiello finalmente deu seu spoiler sobre a aguadardíssima season finale de The Mentalist, que vai ao ar nesta quinta, 19, e terá duas horas de duração. Mas como de costume, só deixou todo mundo ainda mais curioso para saber o que vai acontecer. Confira:


Question: It's been quite some time since we've gotten any juicy Mentalist scoop. I was wondering if you have anything to whet our appetites? Perhaps something about the Red John storyline in the finale? — Mike
Ausiello: Done. And. Done. The reveal of Red John's CBI mole will leave no less than three dead bodies in its wake, while the appearance of Jane's elusive and taunting nemesis himself (we sported a huge grin when we saw who it was) triggers a battle of the brains that is not to be missed. For one, RJ lets loose with a monologue that might even get you thinking he is one of the good guys, plus there's a killer twist that poses a massive question for next season's premiere.

Créditos: TV Line.

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